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Pink Sugar

About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Sarah Schauffler. I am a full time public school teacher, trauma survivor, cat mom and wig wearer. I have been dealing with hair loss since my late 20s. At 42, I was diagnosed with AGA otherwise known as androgenic alopecia. With the gaps in my front hairline due to balding temples, a receding hairline, a wide part and a thin frizzy texture there was no more styling for me. Nothing could be done with my hair. The devastation of my hair loss was all consuming and I did everything to try and regrow my hair. Nothing worked. At 49 I finally decided to try wigs and the journey to find hair that worked was miserable, expensive and time consuming. I am a very solutions oriented person and I research everything ad nauseum. What I had to learn felt very overwhelming. About 2 months into my wig life, I thought it was hopeless and I would never find anything that I felt comfortable in and looked natural to me. But through building friendships in the hair loss community and continuing endless researching I found my brands and what worked for me. It was not EASY! 

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